Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Miscarriage Symptoms- Bleeding & Spotting

Usually the first signs of miscarriage come from some kind of bleeding, irregular cramping, or unusually uncomfortable lower back pain. While these are not always signs of miscarriage, they tend to be the first signs something could be wrong. The most common is spotting or bleeding, let's discuss what it could be:

There are a few reasons for spotting in the first trimester that could mean absolutely nothing is wrong with the fetus, ultimately though, most doctors feel that any spotting is cause for an ultrasound. Although there is little that can be done to save a pregnancy this early on, doctors I have seen like to monitor the situation. This keeps the patient more relaxed, causing less stress, which we all know is not good for the fetus.

Bleeding and spotting are two different things. Spotting refers to small spots of blood seen when you wipe, on your underwear, etc. It can be brown, pink, dark red, bright red, orange, even dark brown. Carefully monitor the color you see as your doctor is almost sure to ask what you saw. Some websites advice to use a pad if you are spotting at all to be able to really see what's coming out.

Bleeding on the other hand is similar or worst than a regular period. One time bleeding, such as after sex, would be less cause for concern than continuous bleeding that happens over several hours or even a day or two.

Anytime you see blood though it is a good idea to discuss it with your doctor and follow their advice to the letter. Unfortunately the most you can do is relax with your feet up if you are spotting. Doctors need to know about any spotting or bleeding so that they can assess the situation. If they are worried about hemorrhaging it is best to be on the safe side and let them know of any changes.

Like I said there are times when spotting is common in early pregnancy, such as the following situations:
  • Subchorionic Hematoma- similar to a bruise where the implantation occured, it may bleed out causing you to spot. This is from my own experience and information from my doctor. All was fine. 
  • Capillaries in the cervix- extra blood to the area may cause some spotting from burst capillaries. 
  • Placenta Previa- if the placement is close to the cervix there may be spotting from this. Again my own experience. 
  • Implantation spotting- usually fairly early in the pregnancy. Up to 6-12 days after conception.
  • Urinary tract or pelvic infection
  • Sex- as the cervix is very tender at this time.

Although bleeding is a very common miscarriage symptom, it does not always mean there is a problem. Be calm and call your doctor to have the access the situation. Relaxation, constant hydration and hope are your best bets when you notice any blood, until the situation can be fully evaluated.


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