Having a miscarriage or losing a baby any other way is often the most difficult experience of a mother's life, with that reasoning I wanted to offer a place where greiving mothers could find hope, read about what is happening to them, and in the end find a way to get through it in a healthy manner.
Baby loss is so difficult for so many because of the dreams and hopes we had for these children, the life they will never experience, and the loss of them from our own lives when we had already planned on them, and made room for them in our hearts.
Not everyone who hasn't been through it understands, and often women even have a hard time with their spouses who did not have the same connection with the little one.
I've learned that the gestational age of loss or even shortly after birth has little to do with the grief we suffer. While a longer pregnancy gives you more time to contemplate the baby's arrival and life, there is always the weight before getting pregnant, and the fall out of the pregnancy (such as loss of fertility) that affect grief just as well. I'd like to help all moms find their way through this painful time, and move forward while still remembering their babies.